Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Highlights

Nice weekend overall. I finally regained the ability to walk today after that pilates reformer situation. Wow. I was hobbling about like an elderly woman for a while. Saturday and Sunday were absolutely beautiful - warm, sunny, gorgeous. This weekend has included some great times with friends, church, relaxation, and life maintenance - overall, a good one.

Here are some highlights:
  • The aforementioned weather
  • Giggling with baby Simona at church
  • Trader Joe's with Kenny
  • The beach with AZ, KT, Ty & Kenny
  • The peppermint fudge brownies I made - yikes, they're good.


MezzoCO said...

oh the brownies were SO good. so good I had dreams about them.

not really.

but I don't remember my maybe I *did* dream about them...? !

Anonymous said...

Yummy brownies. Mmm. If you're inclined to send the recipe over my way, I'm inclined to receive it!